Mrs Jones is taking the grade seven science class and this week they are discussing the different elements and their properties.
After drawing the periodic table on the blackboard, and discussing the differences she turns and asks the class to select the element they would like to have 1 kilo. of, and why they selected that item.
Little Donny is first to raise his hand and said, "Gee whiz Mrs Jones.. I think I would like 1 kg. of pure gold. I choose gold because it is very valuable and I could buy myself a bright yellow Ferari."
"Well done" said Mrs Jones who then asked Little Susie what she would like.
"Ooohhhh.. "I want platinum Mrs Jones, 'Cos platinum is even better'n gold. Then I could get me a nice shiny red Corvette"
"That sounds lovely" smiled Mrs Jones.
She then shuddered to herself as she asked Little Johnny the same question.
Little Johnny stood up and said, "I guess the best choice has to be silicon."
Mrs Jones did not expect such an unusual choice, "Why is that Johnny?"
Johnny smiled, "Cos my mom has just two little bags of silicon. WOW.... You wouldn' believe all the fancy cars out front of our house!"
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