Wednesday, May 25, 2011


  Little Johnny is not good at controlling his temper (or his curiosity or his tongue).
  While playing in the backyard on a sunny day some bees started to bother him and to stop them he started stomping on them.
   Little Johnny's dad wanted to stop him, but he wanted to teach him a lesson in the process. He explained..  "Little Johnny,  we get honey from the bees.  You should leave them alone.  So you understand, there will be no honey on your toast for one month".
  "Hmmmphh" said little Johnny.
    Later that afternoon, Johnny found some butterflies in the cabbage patch and, as before began catching and stomping on them.
  And again his father caught him.  A bit difficult as butterflies have no use and these were a pest, but he didn't want Johnny killing everthing in the yard, so"No butter for you for one month!"
"Double  Hmmmphh" said little Johnny.
  They then heard mum calling them to come in for dinner.  They  both headed inside to clean up.
From the kitchen they could hear the sounds of saucepans and plates clattering and a lot of thumping.  Pocking their heads around the door they were just in time to see mum squash a huge cockroach.
  Little Johnny smiled and looked at his dad..,"Are you going to tell her, daddy, or do you want me to?"

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