Sunday, June 5, 2011


Little Johnny goes to Sunday school every week, and he listens carefully to the teacher.
Being "Little Johnny", he always has lots of questions about what he has heard, and they keep his parents occupied for most of the following week with explanations.
This week the teacher had focussed on Genesis. The creation of God's wonders on Earth. This included the creation of human kind.
Little Johnny was especially taken on the story of the creation of Eve from the rib of Adam.
As you may well imagine, this generated a whole new set of questions for the long suffering parents.
After a particularly active afternoon in the backyard Mrs Johnny's Mother noticed Johnny lying on the ground clutching his side and in obvious pain.
She rushed outside and picked him up asking whatever was wrong.
Little Johnny looked up with tears in his eyes. " OWWWWW . Oh Mum.. I've gotta awful pain in here. (Indicating his side). D'ya think I'm gunna have a wife!"

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